While many people consider a car accident to be one of the most frightening experiences possible, a motorcycle collision is undoubtedly worse. Unlike in a car where safety harnesses and the car body offer some protection, a motorcycle rider is exposed. Motorcyclists are often launched from their bikes because of the speeds and forces involved in a collision. With such violent collisions, it is not surprising that many motorcycle accidents result in catastrophic injury.
For more than 33 years, The Reiff Law Firm have protected those hurt in an accident or injured due to the recklessness or negligence of another person. If you have been injured in a motorcycle collision or other accident we may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for your injuries and suffering.

Common Motorcycle Injuries
Each and every accident is unique in its circumstances, contributing factors and injuries. Even people involved in the same accident often end up with different injuries of varying severity. However, some injury types are more common than others. Some injuries that we have identified as common to motorcycle collisions include:
- Whiplash – Whiplash is the classic injury suffered in situations where there is a rapid acceleration and deceleration. Whiplash can cause people to have pain or discomfort In their shoulders, back and neck. Others may experience a tingling sensation or ringing in their ears. Whiplash can also cause neurological issues such as difficulty in concentration and mood changes.
- Severe burns – Falling from a motorcycle can lead to severe skin burns due to the friction that can be caused. Injuries of this type can be extremely painful and require extensive surgeries to correct.
- Traumatic brain injury – Blunt force injuries or injuries where an object penetrates the skull are particularly troubling because the brain controls who we are, how we act and things that make us who we are. When there is a severe trauma to the brain it can change how the brain functions. Changes in personality can occur or the injured person may have difficulties with communication.
- Broken or fractured bones – High-speed collisions can cause serious trauma to limbs or other body parts. Breaks and fractures are not uncommon injuries to suffer in a motorcycle collision.
If you have suffered one of the previously mentioned injuries or a different injury due to the carelessness of another driver, The Reiff Law Firm may be able to assist you.
Let us Handle the Insurance Company for You
Pennsylvania drivers have the option of participating in a no-fault liability insurance system. The no-fault system permits a lawsuit only if the injury suffered is legally considered serious. In most instances, disfigurement or other serious impairment is required for an injury to qualify as serious. Additionally, damage to the property of a third-party is outside the scope of this insurance regime. Those who choose not to participate in the no-fault program must obtain traditional coverage that opens them to many of the benefits and burdens that the traditional system provides. In particular, participation in the traditional system allows you to sue or be sued for the injuries and damages you have sustained.
At The Reiff Law Firm we have more than 34 years of experience in standing up for accident victims. To schedule your free motorcycle consultation call us today at (215) 709-6940 or contact us online.