Summertime is the perfect time to come out of the house from the long winter and stretch your legs. When school lets out kids all across the country take time to go outside and play. One favorite pastime is jumping on a trampoline. Many people have fond memories of jumping on trampolines as a child with their friends, however, these popular toys can pose a threat and may lead to accidents and injuries.
Common Trampoline Injuries in Philadelphia
Trampoline companies and parents have made efforts in the past few years to make these popular toys safer, such as installing nets around them, and placing them in holes so that in the event a person falls off they will not fall as far. Additionally, manufacturers have covered the springs with a mat type foam to reduce the risk that a person or child could have their leg caught in between the springs. Manufacturers have also started placing more warnings that are more obvious to all those who might use a trampoline that only one person at a time should be on the device. However, children often do not read these warnings or they ignore them altogether. In these cases it is common to see two to three children all jumping on the trampoline at the same time, trying to bounce each other higher and jockeying for space. One child can be dangerous enough, but when there is more than one child on a trampoline, you have the perfect recipe for an injury or an accident. Some of the most common injuries that result from trampoline accidents include:
Broken Bones
Whenever a person falls there is always the threat that they are going to break a bone. When you consider that a standard trampoline sits approximately four feet off the ground and children often try to jump as high as they can, if you fall from a trampoline you could be falling from a height of easily eight to ten feet. Broken wrists, ankles, collarbones, and even legs are all common results of a trampoline accident.
Concussions are a growing concern amongst medical professionals, parents, and even athletes. Concussions result from the brain being jostled inside of the skull and even a small bump on the head can lead to a small concussion. However, while some bumps on the head are minor, others can result in severe and long-lasting consequences.
Sprains are another common injury when children or anybody uses a trampoline. A sprain results from overextending or twisting a joint or tendon and can leave a person unable to walk or in need of medical attention.
We hope that when our children and their friends are using a trampoline that they will be safe and follow the rules, but we are aware that children often do not pay attention to warning signs and labels and are more concerned with having fun. That is why we often put our faith in other parents and manufacturers to watch our children when we cannot.
Who is Liable for an Injury that Occurs on a Trampoline in Philadelphia?
No parent wants to receive a phone call from a neighbor or friend telling him or her that their child was hurt when they were at their house jumping on the trampoline.  However, trampolines are often the source of injuries when children are playing together at a friend’s house. Hopefully, an injury is minor and does not require any medical attention and can be cured by a glass of iced tea and a bandage or two, however, what happens when your child is injured and has to go to the hospital or to the doctor? In these cases, you may be considering filing a lawsuit, but may not be sure who to file suit against. Once you know what happened and who is at fault, figuring out the type of lawsuit you should file becomes much easier. Here are the possibilities:
If the manufacturer caused the injury, you sue the manufacturer in a products liability case. This means that there was some fault in the design of the trampoline itself or of the materials used in the netting or padding that lead to your child’s injury.
Premises Liability
If the trampoline owner caused the problem, you may sue the owner under a premises liability theory, or if someone else is responsible for the injury, such as another user, you file a negligence action against that person. This means that when you trust your child to go over to another child’s house under the assumption that the other parent or someone will be watching the children to make sure that they are safe, if they do not watch the children and as a result one of them is injured, you may be able to file a lawsuit.
When there has been an injury you might not have any other choice than to file a lawsuit. Medical bills can be expensive and you and your family may not be able to afford them.
How Much Money Can You Recover?
Anytime there is an injury there are certain factors that are easy to put a number value on. It cost two hundred dollars to go to the doctor, or the prescription cost fifty dollars. In these cases, it can be very easy to determine how much money you may be able to recover but there are many other injuries and damages you may be able to recover based on your case. Some of these include:
- Past and future medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment
- Punitive damages
Punitive damages are rare in this type of case, but they may be available in cases where a person was especially reckless, for example.
Our Philadelphia Premises Liability Attorneys May Be Able to Help
If you or your child have suffered a serious injury due to a trampoline accident, contact The Reiff Law Firm. We have fought for injured Pennsylvanians for nearly 35 years. To schedule your free and confidential initial consultation with our Philadelphia personal injury attorneys please call (215) 709-6940 or contact us online today.