
Philadelphia CT Surgical Errors Attorneys

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    When undergoing surgery, we expect that the surgical team in charge of our surgery will provide us with the best of care. Unfortunately, some surgeons may commit a surgical mistake that can leave a patient with serious or possibly fatal injuries. When this occurs, a patient may be able to file a claim for medical malpractice against the surgeon or hospital responsible for their injuries. If you or a family member was a victim of a surgical error, consult with an experienced Philadelphia cardiothoracic surgical error attorney.

    At the Reiff Law Firm, we are devoted to providing you with the legal representation that you deserve in order to pursue a negligent surgeon or hospital for the injuries they caused you. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your claim, contact the Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940, or contact us online.

    Common Causes of CT Surgical Errors in Philadelphia, PA

    Cardiothoracic (CT) surgery is a type of surgery that focuses on the heart or thorax. As CT surgeons are required to train for several years, it is normal for a patient to expect that their surgeon will provide them with impeccable care. However, CT surgeries can be extremely complex, and a surgeon that is not cautious can cause a patient a severe injury. The following is a list of common causes of CT surgical errors that can befall a patient.


    When performing surgery, it is imperative for the surgical team to maintain constant communication concerning the status of the patient and the surgery. When there is miscommunication or a surgical team does not communicate with each other, the risk of an injury to a patient will increase. Discussing the steps of a surgery between medical staff will make it easier for medical staff to ascertain the needs of a patient.

    Incorrect Incisions

    To perform CT surgery, a surgeon will likely have to make multiple incisions into the chest area of a patient. If a surgeon is not careful when making an incision, it is possible to perforate an organ or even slice into a nerve.

    An incorrect incision into an organ could cause hemorrhaging or various other medical issues. Additionally, if a surgeon cuts into a nerve, a patient could suffer an injury that causes them to lose sensation or even motion in part of their body.

    Leaving Medical Instruments Inside a Patient

    It is important for a surgical team to keep close track of all medical instruments that will be used during a surgery. Failure to keep track of medical equipment can result in a surgeon leaving an instrument like a sponge, scalpel, or other types of equipment inside a patient.

    If a surgeon leaves a medical instrument inside a patient, it could be weeks or months before a patient discovers it. As a result, the medical instrument could cause a severe amount of damage to a patient’s organs.

    Inadequate Postoperative Care

    Due to the administration of anesthesia, a patient will likely sleep for a significant amount of time after their operation. While a patient is unconscious, they must be provided with adequate care. Unfortunately, some hospitals may provide poor postoperative care to patients. For example, if a patient is placed in an awkward position while unconscious they could wake in severe pain.

    There are several other causes of CT surgical malpractice that are not listed above. Fortunately, a patient may be able to seek a medical malpractice claim against the doctor or hospital that caused their injury.

    To have a valid medical malpractice claim in Philadelphia, a patient cannot simply state that they received medical care that was inadequate. The medical care provided must be inadequate in comparison to the level of care that is typical in that particular medical field. If a CT surgeon offered care that fell below the standards seen as common among their colleagues, then they could be held liable for medical malpractice.

    Additionally, if you wish to file a medical malpractice claim against your surgeon or hospital in Philadelphia, remember that your claim is subject to the statute of limitations. This means that a claimant only has a certain amount of time to file a particular claim with the court.

    In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice lawsuits is two years from the date of the injury or when the claimant should have discovered the injury. For example, if a patient had a medical instrument left inside their body, once they began to experience pain from this issue, the statute of limitations on their claim may have begun.

    Our Trusted Philadelphia CT Surgical Error Lawyers are Ready to Work with You

    If you or a family member was injured in a CT surgical procedure, contact an experienced Philadelphia CT surgical error lawyer. With decades of combined legal experience, the skilled legal team at the Reiff Law Firm is ready to fight for you in your time of need. To schedule a free case evaluation, contact the Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940.


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