The thing about driving is that on a long enough timeline, everybody eventually gets into an accident. However, just because you were in an accident does not mean that it was your fault. If you were injured in a crash you did not cause, you may be able to recover compensation in Lancaster.
Whether you have suffered broken bones, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), whiplash or other serious injury in an auto accident you may need to pay for medical care and therapy does not change. To compensate for those losses, victims can file a lawsuit in Lancaster. Our attorneys can improve the success of your claim by investigating your accident to uncover evidence, filing a lawsuit before the deadline, proving a negligent driver’s fault, and calculating the damages you deserve. If another person’s negligence or recklessness caused your accident and injuries, you may be able to recover compensation to pay for your treatment and the pain and suffering you endured, depending on the type of insurance you have in Pennsylvania.
For a confidential and free case review with the Lancaster, PA car accident lawyers from The Reiff Law Firm, call our team today at (215) 709-6940.
Common Injuries Due to Auto Collisions in Lancaster, PA
Injuries due to a car accident, or any accident, are unique as they are produced by the varying circumstances of each particular accident. However, certain injuries are common in accidents of all kinds, while others are more likely to be produced by specific types of collisions. For instance, in accidents where the impact is near the fuel tank or front-end collisions where there is significant damage to the engine and the occupant is trapped or rendered unconscious, burn injuries are unfortunately not uncommon. Burn injuries are particularly painful, emotionally scarring and may require multiple procedures to correct. However, other injuries are common to all accident types, such as whiplash, brain injuries, and broken or fractured bones.
Perhaps the classic car or truck collision injury is whiplash. However, despite their prevalence, whiplash injuries can be extremely painful and debilitating. Usually experienced after the sudden deceleration experienced in a crash, the back and neck muscles expand and contract more rapidly than they can handle. This can cause neck pain, numbness, tingling, headaches, changes in mood and problems with maintaining focus. While whiplash is typically considered a minor car accident injury, it can worsen substantially if left untreated.
Brain injuries
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can impact how we think, act, feel, and communicate. Much has been said in the media regarding TBIs in relation to the NFL, and many of the same symptoms and consequences of a TBI also apply to those injured in a car accident. A TBI can cause trouble in maintaining focus, impair communication, cause mood swings, and generally make completing daily tasks more difficult or unmanageable. Recovering from traumatic brain injuries can be lengthy and, in some cases, impossible, which is why victims typically require compensation in Lancaster.
Broken or Fractured Bones
Bruises, breaks and fractures can happen in car accidents of all types. While seemingly routine injuries, they nevertheless can cause great pain, impair mobility, and make activities of daily living extremely difficult or impossible to complete. Any injury can cause significant pain and discomfort, but you should not have to pay any further for the negligence or reckless of another person. Victims with broken bones can file a lawsuit in Lancaster if they have full tort insurance. In some cases where broken bones are especially severe and debilitating, victims with limited tort insurance may be able to sue for economic and non-economic damages in Lancaster.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue injuries are common car accident injuries that affect the body’s connective tissues, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries typically occur due to the sudden and forceful impact of a car crash, leading to sprains, strains, and contusions. The impact may cause the body to jolt abruptly, straining or tearing the soft tissues.
Spinal Cord Damage
Car accidents can also result in severe spinal cord injuries, which may have devastating and long-lasting consequences. The spinal cord is a crucial part of the central nervous system, responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. When a car collision exerts a significant force on the spine, it can cause fractures or dislocations of the vertebrae, leading to damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis or loss of sensation below the injured area, affecting motor and sensory functions. The severity of the damage depends on the location and extent of the injury, and it may require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.
Internal Injuries
Car accidents can also cause internal injuries that may not be immediately visible but can be life-threatening. The sudden impact of a collision can lead to trauma to internal organs, such as the lungs, liver, spleen, or kidneys. Seatbelt-related injuries can also occur, where the seatbelt, while saving lives by preventing ejection from the vehicle, may cause injuries to the chest and abdomen. Internal injuries can be dangerous as they may not manifest obvious symptoms immediately. Sometimes, victims may not even be aware of the extent of their injuries until hours or days after the accident. Prompt medical attention is crucial in diagnosing and treating these internal injuries effectively.
Car accidents can occasionally result in burns, either from direct contact with hot surfaces or from fires that break out after crashes. Fuel leaks or electrical malfunctions can lead to fires in the wreckage, causing burn injuries to occupants. Additionally, contact with hot engine parts or spilled fluids may cause thermal burns. The severity of burn injuries can vary, ranging from minor first-degree burns to more severe third-degree burns, which affect multiple layers of the skin and may even extend to underlying tissues. Burns can be excruciatingly painful and may require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafts and specialized care to promote healing and minimize scarring.
Be Careful What You Say Following a Lancaster, PA Car Accident
Many people assume that the insurance company, especially their own, is on their side following an auto accident. However, that is rarely the case. Because of Pennsylvania’s modified comparative fault laws, victims might see their damages reduced if they inadvertently accept fault for an accident in Lancaster.
The best course of action following a serious accident is to decline to make any statements or sign any documents. After all, you just suffered a traumatic event and may not be thinking clearly or, in your weakened state, you may be pressured into agreeing to something that does not protect your interests sufficiently. Instead, contact our experienced car accident lawyers who are familiar with both the no-fault liability and traditional insurance regimes in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania operates under a modified comparative fault system. This means that if you take your case to court, your involvement in an accident will be scrutinized. If you misspoke in conversations with a defendant or your insurance company and accepted a degree of fault for your damages, your compensation may be reduced. The best way to prevent this from happening is to only speak with involved parties or insurance companies through our lawyers.
What Our Attorneys Can Do for You After a Car Accident in Lancaster, PA
Because of Pennsylvania’s complex insurance laws, victims may be unsure whether or not they can file a lawsuit following a car accident in Lancaster or how to go about doing so. Our car accident attorneys can handle the aftermath of a collision by taking the initiative to gather evidence right away, file a claim within the state’s statute of limitations, prove a negligent driver’s fault, and calculate the damages you deserve for your injuries.
Gather Evidence
Without evidence, a lawsuit against a negligent driver will be unsuccessful. Typical evidence in a claim arising from an auto accident includes eyewitness statements, medical records, surveillance footage, and photographs of an accident scene. Our attorneys can contact eyewitnesses and subpoena them for testimony. We can also use your medical records to prove that your injuries meet Pennsylvania’s serious injury threshold, depending on the type of car accident insurance you have.
Some evidence might degrade over time, like witnesses’ recollections and your own memories of an event. Surveillance footage might be deleted as time passes, especially if it was filmed on private security cameras. Acting quickly and investigating an accident immediately is necessary for the success of your compensation claim.
Much of the evidence useful to car accident claims can be created by victims immediately after a crash. This is why it is crucial to report an accident to the police in Lancaster and seek medical attention. Victims can also speak with eyewitnesses to get their contact information to make getting compelling statements easier in the future.
File a Claim
In most cases, victims of car accidents in Lancaster are bound by a strict statute of limitations of two years. In order to meet the filing deadline, you must bring your case within two years of a collision in Lancaster. The procedures for filing a lawsuit in court can be complicated and involve many complex steps that will likely be challenging for victims without the necessary help. Not to mention, waiting too long to file a lawsuit typically does not bode well for victims, even if they bring a claim before the deadline in Lancaster.
We can file the initial claim, which involves naming a defendant and explaining the reasoning for your lawsuit, as soon as we have gathered enough evidence to support your case. Because our attorneys do not settle, we can take your case to court following the discovery period so that you have a better chance of claiming greater damages.
Prove Fault
Although the burden of proof in civil claims in Lancaster is lower than that of criminal cases, it is still challenging to meet. Our attorneys will be tasked with proving that it is more likely than not that a defendant caused your injuries in a collision. To do this, we will use the evidence we collected during our initial investigation, like your medical records, security camera footage, and photographs.
When a defendant’s fault is clear, they might try to settle a case instead of taking it to court. We advise against this, as greater damages may be available to victims when they go to trial and are awarded compensation by a judge or jury. A settlement might not result in sufficient damages that reflect your injuries, financial losses, and pain and suffering, which would be unfair to you.
Recover Compensation
Compensation may vary from case to case, depending on victims’ injuries and other damages. In Lancaster, drivers can choose between full or limited tort insurance. The former allows you to sue for all damages in a car accident claim. The latter, limited tort insurance, only lets you sue for economic damages unless your injuries surpass Pennsylvania’s serious injury threshold. Using your medical records, we can demonstrate the severity of your injuries, allowing you to recover compensation for pain and suffering even if you have limited tort insurance.
Compensation in car accident lawsuits is based on losses incurred by a victim. To calculate economic damages, our car accident lawyers will gather all evidence of financial losses caused by a negligent driver, such as medical bills and lost wages. Adding up all of these damages will allow our attorneys to pinpoint your exact financial losses due to an accident. Calculating non-economic damages is a bit more challenging as they do not have a monetary value. To achieve this, victims can seek help from therapists or keep a journal that details their pain and suffering following a crash in Lancaster.
Considering Settlement Offers in Lancaster Car Accident Lawsuits
If you file a car accident lawsuit against another driver, then they will likely attempt to settle your case before going to trial. If you accept a settlement offer, then you will receive an agreed-upon sum of damages from the defendant in exchange for the dismissal of your case. There are possible advantages to settling before trial. For instance, by settling early, you may acquire payment more quickly.
Still, many defendants attempt to settle car accident claims quickly and cheaply. If you are not presented with an appropriate settlement offer, then you will need to go to trial to recover the full extent of damages you deserve. Fortunately, our car accident lawyers can assist when considering any settlement offers made in your case.
Common Locations Where Car Accidents Happen in Lancaster, PA
Car accidents can occur at a variety of different locations. Still, there are certain places where crashes happen more frequently than others. The following are common locations of car accidents in Lancaster:
Intersections are common locations for car accidents because they involve the convergence of multiple lanes of traffic and often require drivers to make complex maneuvers, such as turning left or right. Accidents at intersections can occur due to various factors, including drivers running red lights or stop signs, failing to yield the right of way, or misjudging the speed of oncoming vehicles. Distracted driving and reckless behavior are also contributing factors to intersection accidents. Additionally, poor visibility caused by weather conditions or obstructed traffic signs can increase the likelihood of collisions at intersections.
Highways and Freeways
Highways and freeways witness a high volume of traffic at high speeds, making them more prone to severe accidents. The high speed and close proximity of vehicles on these roads leave less room for error, increasing the risk of rear-end collisions, lane change accidents, and sideswipes. Aggressive driving, such as speeding and tailgating, often leads to accidents on highways. Moreover, the merging of vehicles from on-ramps and off-ramps can be hazardous if drivers fail to yield or properly adjust their speed, resulting in dangerous merging accidents.
Residential Areas and School Zones
Car accidents can also happen in residential areas and school zones, where there are usually lower speed limits to ensure the safety of pedestrians, especially children. However, accidents in these areas occur due to drivers not adhering to the reduced speed limits, engaging in distracted driving, or failing to yield to pedestrians crossing the road. Children may be more unpredictable, making it crucial for drivers to be cautious and attentive when driving through residential neighborhoods and school zones.
Parking Lots
Parking lots can be deceptively dangerous places for car accidents. The combination of vehicles moving in various directions and pedestrians walking between parked cars increases the risk of collisions. Drivers might be distracted while searching for parking spaces or exiting their parking spots, leading to fender benders and other minor accidents. Inadequate signage or poorly marked lanes in parking lots can further contribute to confusion and accidents.
Rural Roads
Rural roads present their own set of challenges for drivers, which can lead to accidents. These roads may be narrower, lacking proper lighting, and have less frequent traffic control measures. Wildlife can also pose a hazard, as animals may dart onto the road unexpectedly. Rural roads can become particularly dangerous during adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or fog, reducing visibility and increasing the risk of accidents.
Construction Zones
Car accidents are more likely to occur in construction zones due to changing road conditions, reduced lane space, and lane closures. Drivers may encounter uneven surfaces, loose gravel, or temporary traffic signs that require quick adjustments. Failure to slow down and follow construction zone regulations can lead to collisions with other vehicles or construction workers.
Trusted Representation for Accident Victims in Pennsylvania
For a free case review with the Lancaster, PA car accident lawyers from The Reiff Law Firm, call us today at (215) 709-6940.