Parasailing is an activity where one person or multiple people are towed through the air behind a boat while attached to a parachute. Parasailing can be a fun and exhilarating activity to partake in while on vacation. However, serious injuries or even death can occur when a boat captain or parasailing company act carelessly.
Parasailing companies and their boat captains can be held liable for accidents they cause. However, defendants and their insurance companies may use various tactics to avoid paying for your injuries. A lawyer can help fight insurance companies so you may recover the compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one suffered a parasailing accident, seek assistance from our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing by calling The Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940 for a free case review.
Parasailing Accident Statistics
You do not have to undergo much training to partake in parasailing. Parasailing participants are attached to parachutes with harnesses and are connected to boats by tow ropes. The people attached to the parachute have little or no control over the parachute.
Parasailing services are frequently found at popular beaches and as shore excursions for cruise ship travelers. According to the Parasail Safety Council, up to 5 million people go parasailing each year.
People are attracted to parasailing because of its thrills, however, it can be a dangerous activity. The Parasail Safety Council also states that in the past 30 years, more than 1,200 parasailing accidents have occurred. Those accidents have caused more than 400 serious injuries and over 70 deaths.
The harm caused by some accidents may never heal, but financial compensation can help support victims during times of hardship. Our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing can help recover monetary damages if you were hurt in a parasailing accident.
Common Causes of Parasailing Accidents
Unfortunately, there are several forms of negligent behavior that lead to parasailing accidents. The legal strategies that apply to a parasailing accident case can depend on the cause of the injuries that occurred. Our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing can help pursue compensation after accidents that stem from any of the following causes:
Cutting the Line
Parasailing participants attached to parachutes are referred to as parascenders. Parasail boat captains should never cut the line that attaches parascenders to their boat. When the line is cut, severe harm can occur.
There are cases where boat captains mistakenly react to windy conditions by cutting the line. For example, sometimes a sail can be so full of air that it risks dragging a boat. In such instances, captains should turn the boat to the side to deflate the parachute. Unfortunately, some captains improperly cut the line, causing catastrophic injuries to parascenders.
Defective Equipment
Many parasailing accidents are also caused by defective equipment. Faulty parachutes, harnesses, and lines can all cause parasailing participants to suffer serious injuries. Our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing can help sue sellers and manufacturers for their defective and dangerous products.
Line Popping
If a boat captain allows a sudden slack to develop in the line, the line can pop when it becomes taught again. Line popping can cause parasailing participants to become detached. Further, line popping may send a jolt of energy through the line, causing neck and back injuries to parascenders.
Inadequate Weather Tracking Equipment
Inadequate weather tracking equipment is another common cause of parasailing accidents. Inclement weather often leads to accidents.
When boating in the ocean, storms can appear suddenly and unexpectedly. Parasail companies that do not equip their boats with appropriate weather tracking equipment are putting their captains and customers in danger. Our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing can help build your case if you suffered a parasailing accident because a boat did not have adequate weather tracking equipment.
High Speed Water Landings
High speed water landings are also a cause of parasailing accidents. When the parasailing participants descend at high speeds, contact with water can cause serious injuries. Broken bones and concussions are examples of injuries suffered in high speed water landings.
Tragically, some participants may become entangled in the harness and down while in the water. Boat captains should receive proper training to prevent such injuries from occurring. Our attorneys for death or injury that occurs while parasailing can fight for compensation if a loved one drowned because they became tangled in parasailing lines.
Winch Failure
When parasailing, a winch is the device used to help parascenders take off and descend. Winch failure can cause participants to become detached or make hard contact with the water. Winch failure is another common cause of parasailing accidents.
Lastly, parasailing accidents frequently occur because of collisions with obstacles such as bridges, docks, buildings, power lines, and antennas. Boat captains should exercise care to avoid causing collisions while parascenders are attached to the boat. Captains and parasail companies can both be held liable for injuries caused by collisions.
Suing the Parasailing Company for Their Captain’s Negligent Behavior
Many parasailing accidents occur because of boat captains’ negligent behavior. In such cases, captains may not have the resources to pay for victims’ injuries. Accordingly, victims often question if they can sue parasailing companies after accidents.
Parasailing companies can be held liable for the actions of their boat captains through the doctrine of respondeat superior. Respondeat superior allows employers to be held responsible for the acts of their employees. Therefore, our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing can help recover monetary damages from parasailing companies after accidents caused by negligent boat captains.
If You or a Loved One Suffered Injuries or Death in a Parasailing Accident, Our Lawyers Can Help
If you or a loved one suffered a parasailing accident, get help recovering the financial compensation you deserve. Contact our attorneys for injury or death that occurs while parasailing by calling The Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940 for a free case review.
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