
Monroe County, PA Personal Injury Lawyers

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    After being hurt because of another party’s negligence, victims should act quickly to file a claim for personal injury. This can give victims the best chances of recovery against negligent parties.

    Personal injury law encompasses a wide range of cases, including those brought because of motor vehicle accidents, premises liability accidents, and defective product accidents, among many others. For all personal injury lawsuits in Monroe County, the filing deadline is two years from when an incident occurred. To ensure the success of your case, it is vital that you report your injuries. This is best done by calling the police following an accident and going to the hospital to get the necessary medical attention. Reporting your injuries will result in evidence against a negligent party.

    For help with your case from our Monroe County, PA personal injury lawyers, call The Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940.

    Common Personal Injury Cases in Monroe County, PA

    Our personal injury lawyers handle a wide variety of injury cases in Monroe County. Whether you were hurt in a motor vehicle accident or because of a hazard on another person’s property, you can likely recover compensation for your damages.

    Motor Vehicle Accidents

    Motor vehicle accidents are a top cause of personal injury claims in Monroe County. Victims hurt in car accidents must meet Pennsylvania’s serious injury threshold to sue for non-economic damages if they have limited tort insurance. Those with full tort coverage can sue for all damages regardless of their injuries. This rule applies to those hurt as pedestrians, drivers, passengers, or bicyclists. If you were injured while riding your motorcycle, the serious injury threshold would not apply to your case as motorcyclists require separate insurance.

    Premises Liability Accidents

    It is not uncommon for a homeowner or property owner to negligently maintain their property, ultimately leading to an accident that injures a victim. These cases can be uncomfortable to pursue, especially if a property owner is known to a victim. However, it is important that victims understand they have a right to recovery if another person’s negligence leads to their injuries. Common reasons for these types of personal injury lawsuits include homeowners or property owners failing to eliminate hazards or address dangers that threaten those who enter their properties. This might include failing to fix a handrail or not placing a caution sign near a wet floor.

    Defective Product Accidents

    Manufacturers are responsible for safeguarding consumers from injury as much as possible. If a manufacturer produced a defective product that then injured you, you can file a lawsuit. Similarly, if a manufacturer distributed a product without labeling it with the proper safety instructions, and you were injured because of that negligence, you can sue for compensation in Monroe County.

    Other Accidents

    There are many other reasons why a victim might file a personal injury claim in Monroe County. Workplace accidents, construction injuries, dog bites, and even physical assaults can warrant litigation. If you are unsure whether your case makes you eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit, ask our attorneys for clarification.

    Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims in Monroe County, PA

    Personal injury claims must be filed relatively quickly in Monroe County. If claimants do not bring their cases by the appropriate deadlines, they will not have an opportunity to recover compensation.

    In Monroe County, the statute of limitations for all personal injury claims is two years. It is important to make sure your case is a personal injury claim, as it might otherwise be subject to a different filing deadline. Other similar lawsuits, such as those brought because of medical malpractice, must also be filed within two years in Pennsylvania.

    The statute of limitations exists so that defendants are protected from unjust action. Some evidence, like statements from eyewitnesses, is more likely to degrade over time, making it crucial for victims to sue for personal injury immediately after an incident occurs. Furthermore, the longer you wait to bring your claim, the more you might require financial assistance as lost wages and medical bills begin to impact your life. Being aware of the deadline for your case is of the utmost importance. Once that deadline passes, you will be ineligible to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for causing your injuries in Monroe County. You will also likely be unable to seek recovery through an insurance claim.

    Reporting an Accident that Results in Injury in Monroe County, PA

    Much of the evidence used in claims for personal injury is generated immediately after an accident occurs. This makes it crucial for victims to report their injuries to the necessary parties and agencies right away.

    If necessary, call the police after an accident in Monroe County. This is required for most motor vehicle accidents. If you were hurt on another person’s property, inform the property owner. Our lawyers can help you do this in writing so that there is documentation of your report of injury. Similarly, if you were injured at work, tell your employer.

    Victims should also report their injuries to medical professionals. This will allow you to start building medical evidence of your injuries that our lawyers can use in your lawsuit to help demonstrate the impact of a negligent party’s actions. Reporting injuries to medical professionals is as important as calling law enforcement officials after an accident.

    Then, report your case to our lawyers. The sooner you do this, the better, as our attorneys will have ample time to build your case and gather evidence of fault against a negligent party. Do not hesitate to report your accident. Doing so days after it occurs might undermine your claim for recovery in Monroe County.

    Call Our Monroe County, PA Lawyers About Your Personal Injury Case

    You can call (215) 709-6940 to set up a free case assessment with The Reiff Law Firm’s personal injury lawyers.

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    1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd #501
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
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