
Chester, PA Uber + Lyft Accident Lawyer

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    As Uber and Lyft drivers are no more trained than the average driver, a driver will inevitably cause a serious accident one day. When this happens, a passenger or motorist should be aware of how they can pursue compensation for their injuries. If you or a family member was injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, consult with an experienced Chester Uber and Lyft accident lawyer.

    At the Reiff Law Firm, we recognize that pursuing a legal claim against large companies like Uber and Lyft may seem daunting, and we are here to help you alleviate your concerns. To schedule a free case evaluation to discuss your legal situation, contact the Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940. You can also contact the firm online.

    What to Do After an Uber or Lyft Accident in Chester, PA

    After being injured in an Uber or Lyft accident in Chester, Pennsylvania, you should take steps that can later help you file a claim against the rideshare company responsible for your injuries. Your first step should be to call an ambulance to tend to any injured parties and to address any injuries you may have suffered. You should also summon law enforcement to assess the scene of the accident. Next, you should take steps to gather evidence.

    Document the Cause of the Accident

    The cause of your Chester, PA Uber or Lyft accident is extremely important in determining who is responsible for the injuries of a victim. For example, if a drunk driver crashed into your Uber while the driver was stopped at a red light, the drunk driver would be liable for the passenger’s injuries. However, this scenario may not mean that a passenger is exempt from receiving compensation from a rideshare company.

    If you believe the rideshare driver is liable for the accident, you should make a detailed account of how the accident occurred. For example, if you observed that your Lyft driver heavily exceeded the speed limit before crashing into another vehicle, this is an important detail that can help prove the driver is liable for your injuries.

    Additionally, other factors that contributed to the accident should also be documented. For instance, if there was heavy rain or snow at the time of the accident, this can be a factor that led to the crash.

    Document Parties Involved in the Accident

    If your accident was only between you and an Uber or Lyft driver, you should exchange information with the negligent driver. This information should include the name and contact information of the driver, the make, model, and license plate of their vehicle, and the status of the driver when the accident occurred. Specifically, you should know whether the rideshare driver was on their way to pick up a passenger, whether a passenger was in their vehicle, or if the driver was still searching for a fare.

    The status of a rideshare driver at the time of the accident heavily influences who the accident victim can hold liable for their injuries. For example, an Uber or Lyft driver can be held solely liable for a victim’s injuries if he or she causes an accident while they are off-duty and do not have their application open. This can be troublesome for a victim and a rideshare driver as the insurance held by the driver may not be enough to compensate a victim for their injuries. As a result, a victim may have to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the rideshare driver.

    If multiple parties are involved in the accident, there can be multiple parties that may be held liable for your injuries. Under some circumstances, a victim may have to seek compensation from a third party after an Uber or Lyft accident.

    Seek Medical Attention for Your Injury

    When the circumstances of an Uber or Lyft accident require a rideshare company to take responsibility for the injuries of a passenger, motorist, or pedestrian, it is important to have medical records that will help determine the expenses associated with the victim’s injuries.

    Pursuing medical attention immediately after your rideshare accident in Chester, PA will help you understand the extent and severity of your injuries. Some injuries may require surgery or months of rehabilitation, which can affect the amount an injured party should request in a claim against Uber or Lyft. Thorough medical records can help an injury lawyer help you pursue the compensation you need after a car crash caused by an Uber or Lyft driver.

    Failing to pursue immediate medical attention could aggravate your injuries and lead to many other issues.

    Report the Uber or Lyft Accident

    Reporting the car crash to the appropriate rideshare company should be done as soon as possible. Both Uber and Lyft have sections of their application that can be used to report an incident that occurred due to the actions of a negligent driver. If you were a passenger when the accident happened, this section should also contain information about the ride, like the time and date the ride began, and the route taken by the driver.

    You should also have retained an experienced lawyer at this stage. You will likely have to speak with safety specialists that represent Uber and Lyft, and our firm can represent you in these conversations. Representatives for Uber and Lyft may look to poke holes in your story to decrease their liability, so any interactions with either company should be handled carefully.

    Our Dedicated Chester Uber and Lyft Accident Attorneys are Ready to Work with You

    If you or a family member was the victim of an Uber or Lyft crash, contact an experienced Chester Lyft accident attorney today. The personal injury attorneys at the Reiff Law Firm possess decades of legal experience litigating car accident claims, and we are here to fight for you. To schedule a free legal consultation, contact the Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940.

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    Philadelphia, PA 19102
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